Friday 26 June 2015

Greater Works

My 2 years old son automatically prayed for healing for my wifey when she complained to him about pain.

I am convinced that seeds should be sown early in a child's life, especially during his foundation years (0-5 years old). We may think that he doesn't know and understand many things we say or do. But the truth is... he does!

He learns from us though he can't express himself at a young age. He can't speak what we speak as he is developing his speech ability. But the moment he can speak, we will be surprised by the words he uses. They resemble what we have spoken before!

Father, use Jeshua greatly. He shall do greater works than me. Thank You for growing him in wisdom and stature.

Thursday 25 June 2015

Ask Him For What He Already Knows

Though I already know what Jeshua needs when he is looking for his snack, I always tell him to ask me first.

This is, in fact, what the Father does.

Matthew 6:8 - for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.

The Father already knows what we need even before we ask. Yet He wants us to ask.

John 16:24 - Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.

James 4:2 - You do not have, because you do not ask.

It seems contradicting but it is not. If the Father simply gives us what we need without us even asking, we will not develop an intimate relationship and dependence upon Him.

Each time when we ask Him, we are actually relating and communing with Him. When He answers us and gives us what we asked for, we will also learn gratefulness.

Monday 1 June 2015

We Are More Than Conquerors

Brought son to indoor playground at Suntec.

He didn't dare to cross the moving bridge. But I had to help him overcome his fear. Thus, I insisted that he tried to cross. After he crossed it successfully (with my support, of course), he was bold enough to try it again by himself (but I still had to support him because I know that he is not able to do it yet).

When God said, "You are more than conquerors through Him who loved us", He didn't expect us to do it by ourselves. We can be more than conquerors only because of His loving presence and support. He is literally there to MAKE SURE that we overcome. What a great God we have!