Thursday 20 August 2015

It's A Joy

It has become a great joy to bring Jeshua to his nanny every morning.

I would consistently sing simple Christian songs to him every time after we alighted from the bus.

Today, the moment we alighted, he started singing, "Jesus loves me, this I know. For the bible tells me so..." Yes, he sang the whole song. When he was done, he immediately continued, "Give thanks, with a grateful heart. Give thanks to the holy One..." Of course, he is still learning to get the pronunciation right.

Nevertheless, I'm grateful that every seed I have sown is bearing fruit. I look forward to having more quality and fun time with him!


Nowadays, even if I accidentally dropped a grain of rice or a tiny piece of paper on the floor in the public, I have to make sure that I pick it up. 


We have been teaching our son to be responsible by picking up what he has dropped and throwing it into the rubbish bin.

He is observing our lives and if I don't model what I teach, he will model what I do.

Wednesday 12 August 2015


He has learnt to pray for healing whenever my wife has any pain. The beauty of this is that we never taught him to do it. He simply saw what I did regularly. Look forward to bringing him to hit the streets. There are things in life where they can only be caught and not taught. Proud of him!