Sunday 29 May 2016

Jeshua's Prophetic Gift

Just got to know from my wife.

She planned to bring J (3 yrs old) to water playground this morning. She did not say a word about it to him. When J woke up this morning, he asked, "Mama, you are bringing me to water playground?"

Is that prophetic or something?

Just 5 minutes ago, he pointed to my wife's left knee, "Mama, any pain here?" My wife nodded, "It's abit stiff." J laid hand and prayed. He then said confidently, "No more pain now."

Now this is like word of knowledge + faith. Jesus!

Wednesday 25 May 2016


Last night, J was coughing badly. He even vomitted out his milk due to excessive phlegm.

We laid hand and ministered healing to him. This morning, he was healed! Praise Jesus!

There is a breakthrough in seeing my own son healed in Jesus' name!

On two other occasions, he was down with high fever on the night before. After ministering healing, he woke up the next day completely healed without medication! Jesus is so good!

Saturday 21 May 2016

Without Reasoning

Was lifting my son high on top of me while I lay on the bed. Then he said, "Papa, it's your turn. Come, sit on top of me." He expected to do the same - lifting me high on top of him. It didn't dawn on him that it was impossible. He didn't think nor reason about it. As long as his father did it, he simply wanted to do it. What amazing faith that is!

"The Son can do nothing on His own, except what He sees the Father doing."

Jesus lived a life without human reasonings. The moment He does something with human reasoning, He would have done something on His own. He saw what the Father did and simply acted on what was possible.

Friday 20 May 2016

Precious Words

Love it when my son worships with me in the room. While worshiping, he came beside me and said, "Papa, I love Jesus."

Precious words.