Sunday 25 February 2018

Colourful Buttons

Cos J saw colourful buttons and he went to pray them to stick on the wall. A creative smiley face. Need to bring him to do street outreach again soon. #noglue #powerofGod #healing

Lesson From The Late Billy Graham

While the late Billy Graham was a hero to the world, he wasn’t to his family in various areas. This is why he regretted at the end of his life. He said he would spend more time with his family and reduced the speaking engagements, if he could do it over again.

It is good to learn from this general of faith both his passion for the Gospel and his mistake of not fathering his children.

It is very natural for men to pursue ministry (often out of the need for recognition and achievement, but masked as passion for Jesus). It’s a very thin line between the two. Because many of us didn’t have fathers who father us, and thus we repeat the same cycle over and over again.

But when we look to the Father above, we will know what truly matters in His heart.

I believe that the highest call of a married man with kids is to be a father. You are not first a pastor, prophet, evangelist, etc. You are first a son of the Most High, and thus you are first a father to your child. Else God would not be called “Father”. The earthly representation is to represent the heavenly.

Taking ministry to the extreme is wrong.
Taking parenting to the extreme is wrong too. There can be a balance.

After one crucial conversation, Ruth recalled about her father Billy Graham, “I saw how important the ministry was to him — and how little the family was. Things had to look right, and divorce didn’t fit.” 

May we learn from Evangelist Billy.

Kingdom Participation

Sometimes, his assistance creates more mess and slows down the whole process of packing. 

This is what the Father in Heaven experiences. He allows us to have the privilege to partner with Him, to participate in His Kingdom work. But often, we mess up His plan and slow down the process. Yet He loves us and still continues to let us participate.  #fathering101 #father #fathering #fatherandson #dadsforlife #dads #dad #fathers #father #parenting #parents #parent #family #families #daddy #baby #child #children #kids #son #sons #babies #kid #fatherhood #love #fatherlove #mum #mummy #mother #blogger

Thursday 15 February 2018

Kids’ Communion With Jesus

Kids commune with Jesus in very interesting ways.

One of the ways is to act cheeky, close his eyes while walking, hold a biscuit, while having some crumbs in his mouth... and wait for Jesus to reveal stuff to him. I like the kid’s way because it is pretty natural.

(And please don’t teach kids to put their hands together to pray).

I like to commune with Jesus with a cup of coffee and biscuit in my mouth. That’s probably the holiest way to approach Him. Because I think He likes the aroma... ahem... I guess those kneeling and prostrating ways don’t really suit me. Did that too often when I was a Taoist. But now... I am set free to have freestyle positions. 😂😂😂🤣

Happy Valentine's Day

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her... - Eph 5:25

We are called to love our wives the same way Christ loved the church. In other words, it's agape and sacrificial love.

Why is this important?

If we can love our wives the same way Christ loved the church, it is true sacrificial love that comes from within, and that will permeate every area of our lives. If we can love our wives that way, we will truly love people outside of our family unit.

But if we love people outside more than we love our wives, it is an indication of self-centred love. It is a kind of love that is not pure. It is a kind of love that is self-seeking. Because we are merely 'showing love', instead of walking in true love.

Merely loving people outside doesn't need to be sacrificial. Because you can 'hit-and-run'. Because you don't need to experience tension. Because you don't need to keep facing the person when issues arise. Because you can easily agree to disagree. Because it is harder to get hurt from people you are not really close with. Because you don't have to lay down your life to serve the same person regardless of any situation.

But loving people inside requires sacrificial love. Because it's 365 days a year; it's 24 hours every day.

"Our role is to love our wives. Christ's role is to love the church." I remember this phrase very clearly, which was shared by Joseph Chean, who was then YWAM Base Director. And he stepped into missions field more than many of us. 

Sometimes, we get it upside down. We step into Christ's role to love the church and we neglect our wives. This is one reason why we see many broken Christian marriages. Because we confuse serving in ministry with loving Jesus. And we put ministry first. That is not sacrificial love. If we search the root, we will come to realise that is self-centred love. It is an identity issue.

Jesus demonstrated amazing sacrificial love, especially for His disciples.

John 13:1 - And as He had loved those who were His own in the world, He loved them to the last and to the highest degree.

And this, Jesus included Judas, the disciple whom He loved, the disciple who journeyed with Him throughout His ministry, the disciple whom He shared His life and intimate moments with, and the very same disciple who betrayed Him to the hands of His enemies.

I cannot imagine how He continued to love Judas to the very end, to the very last and to the highest degree. But He did it. He gave His life for Judas. It must have hurt deeply. But He wasn't hurt by Judas. He hurt FOR him. For He is love.

May we see His love more and more, so that we can walk in His love. And love our wives the same way He loved the church, and gave Himself for her.

For that is true love, that will permeate every area of our lives. We can then truly love people everywhere we go.

Happy Blessed Valentine's Day to all!

Monday 5 February 2018

Why Can’t I See Jesus?

J asked, “Why can’t I see Jesus now?”

I responded, “Jesus is in your heart.”

J: But why I can’t see Him now?

Papa: Look up to the sky. Can you see the moon now?

J: No.

Papa: But is the moon there?

J: Yes.

Papa: But can you see it now?

J: No.

Papa: That is like Jesus. You don’t see Him now. But He is there. He is in your heart.

J: I can see the moon at night.

Papa: Yes. You can see Jesus in your sleep.

J: Okay.

Phew. 😅😅😅