Friday 16 April 2021

J’s Own Version Of His Bible

J’s Bible 😍

Out of the blue, J decided to write his own Bible version. Jeshua chapter 1...

That’s hilarious but at the same time, it warms the cockles of my heart. 😊

Saturday 10 April 2021

The Object Lesson Of Faith & Risk

Last evening at about 7pm, we decided to cycle as a family from Yishun to Springleaf. After crossing two junctions, it began to drizzle. The sky was overcast. Many dark clouds had formed in the whole region. A perfect storm was imminent.

For the past few late afternoons/evenings, it was raining cats and dogs. It looked like the same event would take place.

I asked wifey, “What do you think?” She replied, “We are still very near our house. It’s not too late to turn back. So what do you prefer?”

I paused for a moment, thinking how my wife and my son might be totally drenched in the heavy rain if I make the decision to proceed and it really pours. Next, I thought about how my son was watching me living out my faith.

I replied my wifey, “Let’s continue to cycle because it won’t rain where we go.”

Within a short distance (less than 5 min), there was no more drizzling. The sky was still filled with dark clouds everywhere, but it did not rain.

We arrived at Springleaf, had our dinner and cycled back home. It took about 2 hours. Not a single drop of rain fell.

The whole object lesson was on faith and risk. And J got to see faith at work against all odds. #homeschooling

Tuesday 6 April 2021


Self-entitlement and gratitude are hostile against each other. One who has a self-entitlement mentality is also one who does not have a heart of thanksgiving.

Many of the young generation, unfortunately, have this kind of mentality, because of parenting and the culture of our society.

We must not give them what they think they deserve, because they deserve the penalty of sin in the first place (if truth is rightly put in place).

When my son has any thought of self-entitlement, I will make sure he gets disciplined by me. Note: Discipline does not equate to spanking.

The moment when you think that you are entitled to someone's blessing, you just step out of Christianity at that point.