Friday 28 May 2021

Word & Worship - Self-Motivation

Writing out Bible verses while listening to worship songs at the same time.

He turned on the songs by himself as he likes Awaken Generation’s worship music 💪💪💪

#homeschooling #homeworkisWordandWorship

Sunday 23 May 2021

Every Child Can Read

Every Child Can Read

Instead of forcing a child to read and/or sending him to costly enrichment class, every child can read if we allow him to lead.

My smart & brilliant wifey saw that J had an interest in some characters. Immediately, she went ahead to get books on them. 😘😘😘

Since the books arrived, J has been reading it without anyone telling him to.

Is he a born reader? By no means!

A child has to be a trained reader, but we need to empower him to be a leader in his reading choices. This is the power of homeschooling.

If we simply rush through the momentum of reading in order to chase after SG mainstream education, you cannot blame the child for not desiring to read.

Sending them for more enrichment classes will produce results, but it won’t produce passion.

#homeschooling #childdrivenlearning

Wednesday 5 May 2021

Empower, Not Feed

Empower, Not Feed

There are always some who stretch out their hands, hoping to receive finances from others. Apart from those who are handicapped or can’t work due to valid reasons, we do more harm than good to simply bless them financially.

Not every human-driven blessing is God’s blessing. It’s simply indulging in their sluggish lifestyle, which is ungodly in nature.

If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat. - 2 Thes 3:10 (cross-reference Proverbs 20:4)

Instead, refraining from giving actually empowers them to live diligently (read: The Parable of The Prodigal Son) and responsibly. There are part-time jobs out there that most people can do. If non-believers can step out to do it, what more about believers? The name of God should not be abused or used as an excuse.

Our lifestyle is always based on our own choices and decisions (at least in our first world country). If you decide on a certain way of living, you are responsible for that choice.

On side note, if we truly trust God as our Provider, we don’t have to tell others about our needs (Phil 4:19). That’s my conviction and I have both experienced and walked that out.