Thursday 18 May 2023

Life's Entanglement

Life's Entanglement

What we are entangled in reveals our pursuit. And what we focus our time, resources and energy on reveals our entanglement.

No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the One who enlisted him. - 2 Tim 2:4

As long as we are living in this world, life's entanglement is part and parcel of our assignment. It takes deliberate efforts and decisions to avoid being easily entangled by them. It is not easy, but it is not impossible.

My wife and I agree that most of us, Singaporeans, love to remain status quo. We do not like inconvenience and changes. We do not like to be in the minority. As Singaporeans, we are all raised in such a culture where we do not challenge the social norms. We are caught up in the rat race without realising that we are running it like everyone else.

It's not just in the context of the world. It is also in the context of Singapore churches. We do not want to rock the boat. We prefer to remain comfortable. As a result, we get entangled easily by the world without realisation.

Recently, I heard a minister sharing the term 'Christian'. He said, "We are so used to the term ---- Christian, that we don't define the word. A Christian can be one who follows Christ and submits to His ways; yet a Christian can also be one who attends church, serves in the church but lives like anyone else in the world. There are many definitions but there is only one true definition."

We have learnt to live as Christians who get entangled with worldly pursuits, yet think that we are totally fine because we attend church services, go to cellgroup, serve in ministries, etc.

Christianity is not about lifestyle living. It is about becoming the One who enlisted us. Yes, everyone is an excellence-in-progress. But there must still be progress, instead of the standard excuse of saying 'Well, I am a work-in-progress'. 

Sowing the right seed always causes it to grow, even if it takes time to grow. But entanglements will choke the seed and hinder it's growth.

What kind of entanglement are you holding on to, that it's time to let go?