Tuesday 11 July 2023

Pleasing Others

Pleasing Others

Since it is impossible to please everyone, you will always step on someone's toes. Therefore, it's better to focus your time, energy and resources to please those who matter most to you.

Jesus didn't call us to be nice. Nice is not Christianity. He called us to be truthful and loving, which means that you will offend somebody someday, either because you are truthful or/and because you are gracious.

Religion always takes offence because it needs to be defended. It's security lies in what has been achieved. 

Grace overlooks offence because it doesn't need to be defended. It's security lies in what has been received freely.

The difference between secular men and religious men is only the arena in which they operate in. One is secular, while the other is spiritual. But the problem they both have is actually the same ------ trapped by achievements, whether secular or spiritual. 

"Look at what I have done" is the trophy that they have built on.

But true security lies in "Look at what Christ has done." The moment we look away from that Look, we fall from grace into religion, which is the beginning of the fear of man and the need to please everyone in order to keep that trophy.

God Is Ever Present In Our Lives

Our son woke up and started revising his Science during brekkie, to prepare for his Science revision paper held in the afternoon by the homeschooling community. He's taking his first ever MOE exam this year for homeschoolers.

I said, "Have you spent time with God and done your journal?"

He replied, "Not yet."

I responded, "That is the priority. Put aside your revision and do that first. Hard work can only bring you this far. What you need is God in your life."

Wifey added, "I agree with Dad. Put God first."

We need to show and teach our child that God doesn't just exist on Sundays in church buildings. He exists in our daily lives and in the decisions we make.

He is not only our ever-present Help. He is also ever present.