Tuesday 29 March 2016

Three Years Old's Syndrome

This is hilarious.

After trying hard to get Jeshua to pronounce a word correctly, I stopped and said, "In Jesus' name, I command the tongue, be loosed right now."

Jeshua replied, "In Jesus' name, tongue, don't drop on the floor."

3 years old's syndrome...


F&S Day Part 5

We had Father & Son's day at Pororo Park. There are many different stations, including a train ride!

Me: Jeshua, you need to eat something before we go to the playground.

Jeshua: No, I want to go now.

Me: Jeshua, you have to eat something or you will get hungry.

He ate some sweet corn.

Jeshua: Papa, you see. I can walk so fast.

Me: Why?

Jeshua: Because I ate a lot of sweet corn.

Me: ... ...

Arrival at Pororo Park

He loved the train so much that he ended up being the only one sitting on the train after many rounds.

His signature move whenever he takes a photo.

He insisted on eating on his own.

Friday 25 March 2016

Revelation for Jeshua

Going up a challenging playground (because of its height), J was a little fearful.

J: Papa, hold my hand.

Me: No. I'm just behind you. (I want him to overcome his fear)

J: No. Papa, hold my hand.

Me: No. You won't fall because I'm behind you. You have the spirit of love, power and sound mind. You have boldness.

Jeshua finally climbed to the highest part and went down the slide.

Second round, while climbing, he said, "Jesus is in my heart. So I can do it."

Wow! #revelationforhim

Monday 21 March 2016

Being Held

Today, I held J's hand as we walked to his school. As we were walking, we were singing, "Jesus loves me, this I know." All of a sudden, he tripped and almost fell. But as I was holding his hand, I managed to keep his feet on the ground. In that split moment, I had an encounter with the Father as two verses came to my mind.

Psalm 73:23 - Nevertheless I am continually with You; You hold me by my right hand.

Psalm 121:3 - He will not let your foot slip— He who watches over you will not slumber.

My heart was filled with His love. His tangible presence came upon me.

The Father is always with us. He is always holding our hand. This is why we will never fall nor stumble if we continue to let Him hold our hand.

But just as J doesn't always allow me to hold his hand, we are not always letting the Father hold us. He doesn't let go of His hand. We are the ones who refuse to let Him hold us. This is when we stumble and fall. When we don't turn to Him and set our face towards Him, we stop letting Him hold us.

The way to walk on solid ground without our feet stumbling is to turn to Him continually as our Refuge and Help. Divine protection is a promise on His end. Yet it is up to us to receive His promise. Let Him hold our hand continually.

P.S: This song from Hillsong came to my mind.

I'm so secure
You're here with me
You stay the same
Your love remains here in my heart

So close I believe
You're holding me now
In Your hands I belong
You'll never let me go
So close I believe 
You're holding me now
In Your hands I belong
You'll never let me go

By Hillsong - In Your Hands

Sunday 13 March 2016

F&S Day Part 4 - Sunday

Wifey had work today. Thus, I brought Jeshua to church before taking him for late lunch.

Wednesday 9 March 2016

F&S Day Part 3

Today, we had our F&S Day at Jurong Bird Park.

This is the furthest I have ever traveled with Jeshua by public transport. It takes two hours to reach Jurong Bird Park from our home and vice versa. This is an achievement unlocked haha!

Arrived at Jurong Bird Park
 Watching the Pelicans
 Ready to ignite the engine
 Having fun with the swing
Enjoying the playground
Excited about the penguins
Look forward to having more F&S Day with my precious boy!