Thursday 7 April 2016

A Child CAN Comprehend

Some people told me that a toddler is unable to understand our explanations. Thus, we should use rod to correct them.

Apparently, research has shown that toddlers understand much more than what adults would imagine. They just can't articulate at their age.

My wife and I discovered that J understood many things that we told him when he was younger. Now that he is three, he begins to articulate those stuff to our amazement.

This morning, he insisted on having two small bottles of my breath spray, instead of one. After saying "No" for a couple of times, I decided to teach him contentment. At the back of my mind, I thought he wouldn't understand but it is helpful to reiterate principles until he finally gets it one day.

"J, focus on what you have. Not what you do not have. That's being contented. If you focus on what you do not have, that's being greedy. Can you focus on what you have?"

To my surprised, he replied, "Okay. I have one bottle and Papa has the other bottle."

Who says a child cannot comprehend?

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