Monday 6 June 2016

Rest Or Strive

Haven't been updating the entries for a while but it had been eventful with my precious son. More Father and Son's Days!

Today is our 6th wedding Anniversary. It's also the first time we brought Jeshua to celebrate with us.

When we were heading home from Gardens By The Bay, Jeshua insisted on pushing his own pram with me. As it was pretty difficult to manoeuver the heavy pram, I had to hold onto it and assist him. As the pram kept moving from side to side, it became rather tiring for me, especially when the place was crowded with people.

Suddenly, I was reminded of our relationship with God the Father. Often, He wants us to rest instead of striving and struggling. If we simply let Him do the work, it will be effortless. We will then rest and enjoy the ride with Him. But if we try to strive and do it by our own effort, we will find it tiring and eventually give up.

When we work, God let us do until we learn to rest and trust in Him. But when we rest, He works.

I decided to stop assisting Jeshua and let him struggle through by his own. He said, "Papa, later the pram hits the wall on the side." I replied, "Don't worry. I will ensure that it doesn't happen."

So whenever the pram was almost reaching the wall, I would simply pull it back. I would then let Jeshua push it by himself.

Finally, it came to a point where he decided that the struggle was enough. Yes. He gave up striving. It was then that I simply took over and pushed the pram.

I told him, "Jeshua, when you trust Papa to do it for you, you can rest fully."

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