Tuesday 20 September 2016

Unshamed of The Gospel

J sang "Jesus loves me, this I know..." very loudly at the bus stop where people were waiting for their buses. At first, I thought of asking him to sing softly so as not to interrupt others. On second thought, I realised he was declaring the Gospel haha. So I let him continue.

He then boarded the bus and sang "Give Thanks" loudly. Alright, he's on a different level. #singingevangelism

Sweet Moments...

J: Papa, I want to hug you.
Papa: Why?
J: Because I love you.
Papa: 😍😍😍😍😍

Sunday 18 September 2016

Who Takes The Wheel?

J wanted to ride this. So I sat behind him to assist him when he steered in the wrong direction or when he was going to bump against people.

Unlike what many think, God is not in control. We are. The reason we are is because God let us be in control. He is not steering the wheel while we sit beside Him following. "Jesus Takes The Wheel" may sound beautiful but He doesn't. He gives us the privilege to steer the wheel of our lives because He trusts us. He has given us His heart and mind. When we are heading in the right direction, He continues to affirm us. When we are heading in the wrong direction, He whispers to our ears to re-direct our path. Occasionally, He may intervene by giving a hand to the wheel we are steering when we are in danger. That is the empowering love of our Father. He trusts you and me :) #fathering101

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Raising A Demon Slayer

While we were in the bus, J and I saw a man crossing a road. He was sitting on the wheelchair. J said, "Papa, why we didn't go and pray for the uncle?"

At one of the bus stops, the rear door of the bus couldn't close. The driver probably tried to close it for 8-9 times without any success. I said, "J, let's pray. In Jesus' name, door be closed now." The moment we said "Amen", the door was shut completely and the bus was able to move. The two of us rejoiced in excitement, thanking Jesus. Others in the bus may think we are crazy but it matters that my son knows who Jesus is. #raisingademonslayer #fathering101

Friday 2 September 2016

Loving My Son Based On Who I Am

Yesterday, I wasn't walking as patiently as I should towards J when he demanded a couple of things immediately according to his timing. On my end, I was preparing some work.

This morning, as I was with the Father in communion, He showed me a vision of J when he was learning to walk.

I asked, "What do You mean?"

God: Do you realised that you were more loving and patient towards J when he was younger?

Me: Nodded.

God: Do you realised that you were more loving and patient towards J because he couldn't demand as much when he was younger?

Me: Nodded.

God: So do you love J based on who he is or based on who you are?

Me: I know what You mean. It should be based on who I am, not who J is.

The Father loves us because He is first and foremost, LOVE. This is a fresh revelation for me on fathering. I am to love J based on who I am - my identity in Christ. As Christ is, so am I in this world. As Christ is love, so am I in this world.

Each time when I fail to function in my identity, I will love J based on who he is, instead of who I am. And when it is based on who J is, it will lead me to focus on what he does - resulting in a love that is not from God.

When I don't walk according to my identity in fathering, I will walk according to my response. But when I walk according to my identity, my son's response won't affect my response. #fathering101

P.S: We like to blame others when we respond negatively because of people's response. The truth is... if we walk in our identity, no one can affect our response.