Friday 2 September 2016

Loving My Son Based On Who I Am

Yesterday, I wasn't walking as patiently as I should towards J when he demanded a couple of things immediately according to his timing. On my end, I was preparing some work.

This morning, as I was with the Father in communion, He showed me a vision of J when he was learning to walk.

I asked, "What do You mean?"

God: Do you realised that you were more loving and patient towards J when he was younger?

Me: Nodded.

God: Do you realised that you were more loving and patient towards J because he couldn't demand as much when he was younger?

Me: Nodded.

God: So do you love J based on who he is or based on who you are?

Me: I know what You mean. It should be based on who I am, not who J is.

The Father loves us because He is first and foremost, LOVE. This is a fresh revelation for me on fathering. I am to love J based on who I am - my identity in Christ. As Christ is, so am I in this world. As Christ is love, so am I in this world.

Each time when I fail to function in my identity, I will love J based on who he is, instead of who I am. And when it is based on who J is, it will lead me to focus on what he does - resulting in a love that is not from God.

When I don't walk according to my identity in fathering, I will walk according to my response. But when I walk according to my identity, my son's response won't affect my response. #fathering101

P.S: We like to blame others when we respond negatively because of people's response. The truth is... if we walk in our identity, no one can affect our response.

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