Thursday 25 August 2016

F&S Day

J & I have a F&S day bi-weekly. Yesterday, he showed me how simple faith is. He wanted to visit a toy shop, but I have told him before we left home that we wouldn't be buying any toy on that day.

Below was the conversation.

J: Papa, I have watched this show before (pointing to Tayo bus).

Papa: Yes.

J: So I need to have this. Jesus will buy this for me.

Then he went around pointing to many toys and said, "Jesus will buy this... And this.... And this... And this... for me."

Papa: There are so many. I can't remember. You need to ask Jesus to remember for you.

And he started touching every single toy he wanted and each time when he touched, he said, "In Jesus' name, Jesus buys this for me! Amen!"

Perhaps, faith is really that simple.

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