Friday 6 January 2017

Growing Up

Son understands the significance of being 4 years old. We have prepared him for a long time.

Some traditions say that a toddler is terrible two and ferocious four. I beg to differ. The toddler is who you see him to be. J was awesome at two and he will remain awesome at four.

I remember the movie "Courageous" where a group of men sat down to talk. One of them asked, "When did you feel that you are a man?" Everyone had a different answer. But the 'snake king' said, "When my father told me that I am."

We impart identity to our child. We prepare them to succeed.

Today, J woke up surprising me with what he did. 

He did not look for Mama (breast-feed baby syndrome, cos he latched all these while).

He switched off the aircon in the room on his own.

He took out his pants and put on a new set on his own.

He came into my study room (I was there) and showed me what he has already done. Then he asked, "Papa, can you make milk for me?"

When we reached school, he smiled happily and said, "I'm happy today. Because my birthday was yesterday and today it is no more."

He is 4. And he knows. #fathering101 #identity

P.S: Let's see how he eats his dinner tonight.

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