Tuesday 25 April 2017

Part 15: spirits and Identity

We are taught on house cleansing, spirit of anger, spirit of lust, spirit of Jezebel, etc. We are even taught to be careful of the person who touches us and the one whom we touch. Because if they were to practise spirituality, what's in them (evil spirits) may come onto us.

Apparently, we are taught to focus on darkness more than light. We are taught to focus on demons and evil spirits more than we focus on Jesus - the One IN us.

We become like someone who holds a small candle in a big, dark room, instead of someone who IS the light of the world. When the light is ON, every single trace of darkness disappears in split seconds.

I believe that the wrong focus is one of the reasons why believers are unknowingly opening themselves up to the attacks of the enemy.

The devil prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8). He has to look around because he can't devour anyone unless his roar is loud enough to intimidate someone.

Jesus has already defeated him and his tiny minions on the Cross (Col 2:15). He can only create fear and wait for a believer to believe in his subtle lies so that he can devour him.

Thus, the more we focus on other seemingly spiritual factors apart from Christ, the happier the devil is. He will get you if you think he can get you.

Instead of thinking that when someone who practises spirituality will have the evil spirits come onto you when he touches you, rest in confidence that the person who touches you will be "electrocuted" by the Holy Spirit IN you.

In our recent outreach, a lady with the highest spiritual level of yoga meditation touched my hands. I felt nothing at all. I was in peace. She felt power vibrating through her hands and body. She said, "I'm surprised. Where did you learn such power?"

When I shared that the greatest power in the Universe is the power of Love in the Person of Jesus Christ and this power is a gift that doesn't need to be learnt, her face was shaken and she wanted to end the conversation quickly. Deep inside her, she knew that all her learnt spiritual meditation cannot be compared to the gift of the One who holds ALL power.

The One who holds the entire universe by the word of His power lives in you (Heb 1:3).

Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world (1 Jn 4:4).

Whatever is born of God overcomes the world... (1 Jn 5:4).

The list goes on...

How is it possible for any other spirit to come onto you when the Impossible is already living in you?

Whenever you step into a room, Christ steps in. You don't need house cleansing because Christ is in the house. The house pour is rivers of living water that drives out every other spirit.

If God is for you, who can be against you? Even the highest power of the devil cannot touch you, if you know WHO is IN you.

It is wiser to keep the devil under your smelly foot. #identity

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