Thursday 29 June 2017

Part 16: Anointing & Identity

Over the years, I have heard so many teachings on anointing. To even spell 'anointings' as plural goes to show how far we have moved away from the New Covenant Scriptures.

It has become spiritually trendy to teach about different types of anointing, especially in different seasons. This leads to consumerism. 

"Come and get the special anointing!" 

"Oh don't miss this anointing that will be released by God in this breakthrough season!" 

"Come and receive an impartation for miracle anointing, breakthrough anointing, Elijah's anointing, double portion of anointing, business anointing, money anointing, breaker's anointing, and the list goes on." I like to joke on this, "I'll break your anointing."

If we don't stay to the truth in the Word, we will run after every kind of hype and teachings. We will run after the 'NOW' prophetic words instead of the God-breathed, written Word. Even Jesus had the entire emphasis on, "IT IS WRITTEN..." True living word flows out from the written word.

1 John 2:27 says "But the anointing which you have received from Him ABIDES in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing TEACHES you concerning ALL THINGS, and is TRUE, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him." (emphasis added)

What is 'the anointing' that John was referring to?

New Living Translation translates the word 'anointing' as 'Holy Spirit.' But we can simply let Scriptures interpret Scriptures.

John 14:26 - But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will TEACH you ALL THINGS, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. (emphasis added)

John 16:13 - However, when He, the Spirit of TRUTH, has come, He will guide you into all TRUTH; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. (emphasis added)

It is clear that the anointing refers to the Holy Spirit. John said that the anointing abides (remains) in you (1 John 2:27). Jesus said the same thing in John 14:16 - "...He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever."

To abide = to remain = to stay.

The Greek Lexicon specifically uses these phrases, "not to depart, not to leave, to continue to be present" for the word 'abide'.

If the only anointing mentioned in the New Covenant is the Holy Spirit and if the anointing NEVER ever departs, it tells us a few things:

1) There is no other kind of anointing. Miracle anointing? Elisha's anointing? Breakthrough anointing? If that is true, you can tag anything with the word 'anointing'.
- What about fathering anointing? What about buffet anointing? What about eating anointing? What about running anointing? What about movie anointing? Come on...
- There is only ONE anointing. He is the Holy Spirit. Period.

2) The anointing (Holy Spirit) can't leave you. He has come to stay permanently. 
- Maybe yours can come and depart. But mine has come to stay.
- Because the anointing doesn't depart, you can be very annoying and still have the anointing.

3) The anointing cannot leak. Because the Spirit comes in FULL measure (John 3:34). He can be grieved and quenched but there is no leaking, because He has come to ABIDE.

When the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus after baptism, it was a proof of His Sonship. The Father says, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

Luke 4:18 - The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor.

Because Jesus was the Son, He was anointed. Because He was anointed, the Holy Spirit was upon Him.

Acts 10:38 - God anointed Jesus of Nazareth WITH the Holy Spirit... (emphasis added)

Because we are sons (and daughters) of God, we are anointed with the full measure of the Holy Spirit. It is now left to us whether we believe in who we really are and walk in that measure that God has already poured out.

You don't need another impartation or another kind of anointing. The anointing (the Holy Spirit) you received is full and complete. #identity


Sunday 18 June 2017

Fathered Fathers Father

Only when we allow the Father (Above) to father us, will we know how to father our children.

The greatest gift the Father (Above) gave us is His presence. Therefore, the greatest gift we can give to our children is not presents. Neither is it about being present. It's giving them our presence.

Presence is not about the quantity of time being together. We can have a lot of time with our child, but being present does not equate to giving them our presence. The difference between the two lies in the heart motivation.

God is always present with us. He never leaves us nor forsakes us. Yet He makes it a point to give us His presence so that we can know and experience His love. The heart motivation of His presence is Love.

Presence releases value and identity to our children. It says, "You are worth so much that I'm giving you my full attention. I love you NOT because you are my precious. You are my precious BECAUSE I love you." It is Love that produces value and identity, not value/identity  that produces love. God did not love us because we are His children. We are His children because He IS Love. This is why He created Adam.

As we celebrate Father's Day, may we remember to give our children the greatest gift of Presence. #fathering101

Happy Father's Day

When my son heard from my wife that it's Father's Day today, he went into his room, closed the door and did this, without anyone telling him to do so.

On his own, he wrapped up a gift with white A4-sized papers using scotch tapes. He wrote my name. Once he was done, he ran out of the room happily to present his gift to me and said, "Happy Father's Day."

I am loved by him. #fathering101