Sunday 18 June 2017

Fathered Fathers Father

Only when we allow the Father (Above) to father us, will we know how to father our children.

The greatest gift the Father (Above) gave us is His presence. Therefore, the greatest gift we can give to our children is not presents. Neither is it about being present. It's giving them our presence.

Presence is not about the quantity of time being together. We can have a lot of time with our child, but being present does not equate to giving them our presence. The difference between the two lies in the heart motivation.

God is always present with us. He never leaves us nor forsakes us. Yet He makes it a point to give us His presence so that we can know and experience His love. The heart motivation of His presence is Love.

Presence releases value and identity to our children. It says, "You are worth so much that I'm giving you my full attention. I love you NOT because you are my precious. You are my precious BECAUSE I love you." It is Love that produces value and identity, not value/identity  that produces love. God did not love us because we are His children. We are His children because He IS Love. This is why He created Adam.

As we celebrate Father's Day, may we remember to give our children the greatest gift of Presence. #fathering101

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