Wednesday 18 October 2017

How Valued Art Thou?

I read a thought by Joseph Prince and it brought a powerful truth as the Holy Spirit directed me to a Scripture verse.

"The degree to which we worry about provision today is DIRECTLY related to how much we believe we are loved and valued by our heavenly Father." - Joseph Prince 

Make no mistake. This is pure truth. The need to strive harder for provision is anchored in the fear of lack and it has to do with wrong belief ----- we believe that we are not as valued and loved by the Father, as compared to the sparrows and the lilies in the field. Head knowledge is different from heart knowledge. You can say that you believe, but your action (fruit) will reveal your root of unbelief.

The Holy Spirit brought a verse to my mind.

Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you.” - Heb 13:5

The love of money does not simply mean that we are pursuing wealth. That's the usual interpretation. In the Greek, it is "aphilarguros", which also means "dominated by money". In other words, the love of money also means that we have fear of lack, because what we are fearful of, we are dominated by.

The good news is that the context of "I will never leave you nor forsake you" is about PROVISION. In fact, God doesn't want to leave us nor forsake us that He decides to live IN us (John 14:17).

It is not just a promise that He has made. It is a reality that He has done. He ABIDES IN US now. That's the certainty of His provision. He lives IN us. His Presence is IN us. Supply is IN us. Provision is IN us.

The price He paid to PROVIDE for us by LIVING IN us is the value of His perfect, beloved, treasured, cherished and only begotten Son. We are worth that value.

The fact that He lives IN us is the proof of that value. We are His beloved, treasured and cherished sons. 

Because we are deeply valued and loved, because He lives IN us, provision and supply will NEVER leave us nor forsake us.

The next time when anxiety, worries and fear of lack enter our mind, we say, "Thank You, Father for living IN me. Thank You for Your abiding presence. That is the certainty of Your provision and supply." #revelation #truth #provision #finances

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