Tuesday 14 November 2017

The Book of Proverbs - Secrets To Fathering

Hear, my son, and receive my sayings, and the years of your life will be many. I have taught you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in right paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hindered, and when you run, you will not stumble. Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; keep her, for she is your life. - Prov 4:10-13

David fathered Solomon so well that the latter became the prototype for wisdom. Solomon wrote in the book of Proverbs on what David had taught and instructed him.

David didn't do 'reactive' fathering. He did 'preventive' fathering. Fathering has to be deliberate - by teaching and instructing what is right, even before the child makes any mistake. It is more preventive, than corrective and reactive.

Sit back and relax in fathering now, and we will regret in future. We have been given a very important role as fathers. Hence, we need to be diligent.

As a result of David's preventive fathering, no one was as wise as Solomon (apart from Christ).

Hence, the book of Proverbs contains the principles of fathering our children. Keep reading, if we want to father our child well. #fathering101

Monday 13 November 2017

Child-like Jesus’ Talk Episode XX

Child-like Jesus’ Talk Episode XX

J: Papa, you know I can see Jesus at night but why I cannot see him in the day?

Papa: You saw Him in your dreams?

J: Yes, but why Jesus doesn’t come out in the day?

Papa: Ok you close your eyes now and you will see Him.

J: No. I want to see Him outside... like here (pointing to an empty seat on the bus).

Papa: Ok. He will honour what you desire. You pray and ask Him to show up.

J: In Jesus’ name, Jesus, appear now. I want to see you because I love You.

J: Papa, why is He not coming out yet?

Papa: Sometimes, it’s immediate. Sometimes, it takes a while. You just keep praying.

J: Oh I know. Jesus will come out in Australia.

Papa: (Huh?!) Why is it Australia?

J: Because I just heard Him say.


Ok. Give the child a benefit of doubt. I have learnt to listen to my son when he speaks the weirdest thing spontaneously.

Jesus may really show up in Australia. Hope to take selfie with Him then. 🤣🤣🤣 #fathering101

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Readiness of A Child

We were having dinner at the foodcourt when J noticed an Auntie wearing a wrist guard. She was sitting with her friends at the table beside us.

J immediately came to me and whispered, “Why is the Auntie wearing that blue thing on her hand? Can we pray for her?”

I said, “Sure. Let’s do it together.”

We approached the lady and I said, “My son saw that you are wearing the wrist guard and he wanted to minister healing.”

Who would say ‘No’ to an adorable 4-year old boy?

She agreed. Cut the long story short, she removed her wrist guard and tested.

J was exhilarated. He said, “The pain left.”

Love it when your son is sharper than you. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #sonship #son #fathering101