Monday 13 November 2017

Child-like Jesus’ Talk Episode XX

Child-like Jesus’ Talk Episode XX

J: Papa, you know I can see Jesus at night but why I cannot see him in the day?

Papa: You saw Him in your dreams?

J: Yes, but why Jesus doesn’t come out in the day?

Papa: Ok you close your eyes now and you will see Him.

J: No. I want to see Him outside... like here (pointing to an empty seat on the bus).

Papa: Ok. He will honour what you desire. You pray and ask Him to show up.

J: In Jesus’ name, Jesus, appear now. I want to see you because I love You.

J: Papa, why is He not coming out yet?

Papa: Sometimes, it’s immediate. Sometimes, it takes a while. You just keep praying.

J: Oh I know. Jesus will come out in Australia.

Papa: (Huh?!) Why is it Australia?

J: Because I just heard Him say.


Ok. Give the child a benefit of doubt. I have learnt to listen to my son when he speaks the weirdest thing spontaneously.

Jesus may really show up in Australia. Hope to take selfie with Him then. 🤣🤣🤣 #fathering101

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