Thursday 28 December 2017

Dreaming BIG?

Dreaming BIG?

In the past, I read so many books on dreaming big with God. Talk about the Fourth Dimension and you will know the content of the book. I was told that God loves to co-labour with us to create. God is big, hence we need to dream big.

We were told to have big ambition and to dream big for what we want to do for God.

These all sound good, but you can't see it in the bible characters. What you truly see is the faithfulness of God in the lives of simple, normal men. They didn't dream of doing big stuff for God. Check out Gideon. Think about Joseph. Consider Daniel and many more. They were simply doing what they were supposed to be doing in their daily lives. They NEVER started out dreaming of BIG things.

Even David was a shepherd boy. He didn't dream of doing BIG things for God. He stewarded what he was given - being a shepherd, until God made him a king. 

The big dream of kingship was GIVEN by God Himself, not imagined or daydreamed.

This is why so many people get disappointed when they feel that God has left them behind.

God has never called you to dream big things. He called you to become like Christ. 

The early disciples were faithfully preaching the Word because they understood the Great Commission. They didn't dream of having a 100,000-seater church building. They didn't dream of traveling the world by jet plane or something. They didn't dream of being a great evangelist or a mega-church pastor. They were the most simplistic people in their times.

Focus on stewarding what He has given and let Him be the One to take you where He wants you to go.

Stop dreaming big and start stewarding your life with the big God you have.

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