Friday 29 June 2018

Prayer & Jeshua

I'm still blown away by what my son said today when we had a conversation about prayer.

J: Papa, sometimes, Jesus doesn't speak in voices.

Papa: That is absolutely correct. He speaks in different ways. Sometimes in images; sometimes in feelings; sometimes in pictures; sometimes in words...

J: Ya. When I close my eyes, I see it.

J: Jesus told me that I have been whining. He is so good.

Papa: Awesome.

J: Last night, Jesus told me to remove my blanket because I had blocked nose. After that, the blocked nose is gone.

Papa: Wow.

He's beginning to have more conversations (aka prayer) with Jesus. He's realising that Jesus is really real. He's aware of another Person in the house and in his life.

And I love it. #fathering101 #maybeitistimeforhimtopreach

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