Sunday 3 February 2019

Partnership & Relationship

Partnership & Relationship

It’s time to get him involved in washing and cleaning the external and internal of the family car. Papa has been doing it weekly and monthly respectively. Now he understands the work that is required and takes responsibility and ownership in it. (And hopefully stops dropping all the crumbs and bits & pieces of snacks in the car.) 

With his help, it took MUCH longer to finish the regular job. It would be so much easier for me to do it on my own. But the process is more important than the outcome. This is why discipleship is a process and it takes you out of your comfort zone. It is easy to preach the Gospel and do signs and wonders, but when it comes to discipleship, we usually run away quickly and say, “Oh this is not my thing.” 

The key focus for J’s involvement is on relationship and partnership with his Papa. Isn’t this the same as the Perfect Father in heaven and us? For God to do something, it’s easy, Godspeed and effortless. He doesn’t need us. Yet He chose us as imperfect vessels to do His work, even though the whole process becomes way slower and the outcome may not be perfect. Papa God involves us because He desires partnership and relationship. What a privilege we have!

J was exhilarated. He couldn’t wait to be involved in this. He found it a privilege and joy to do it.

Check out his proud look at the finished product - clean on the inside and shiny on the outside. Yay Jesus! #responsibility #fathering101 #fromboytoman

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