Friday 27 September 2019

Majority Doesn’t Mean Morality

Majority Doesn’t Mean Morality

Squeezed and swarmed by at least a thousand of motorbikes in the car lane. We were so trapped that we had to move very slowly. They kept honking and staring at us as though they were right.
We took this opportunity to give J a teachable moment. We said, “J, majority does not mean morality.”
We explained, “Even when everyone around you is saying and doing what they think is right, it doesn’t mean that they are right. Only what is in the Bible is right and true.”
“Not only this... people can even oppress you and make you think that you are wrong, and that they are right, because you are the only odd one out... but you must not follow them (even if all are doing the same). You follow Jesus. Do you understand?”
J nodded and said, “Yes.”
Our society doesn’t have the clear line of rights and wrongs. The line has been blurred in many ways. The enemy uses that to oppress you when you go against the 99% majority. But I believe that God is looking for the one who remains steadfast and immovable in His truth.
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Thursday 19 September 2019

Homeschooling Journey Part 3

Homeschooling Journey Part 3

The deadline for submitting 6 years of curriculum overview is approaching. My wife has been working on it despite that she’s feeling tired after a full day’s work. So proud of her!

Recently, we taught J multiplication timetable and double-digit addition through playing of pick-up sticks.

Instead of having to memorise multiplication timetable in primary school, we used various colours from the sticks for him to do multiplication while playing. He learnt multiplication for 2s, 3s and 5s.

Collating the points requires double-digit addition such as 32 + 25 —- according to my wife, this is a P2 Math syllabus. But through play, J learnt how to mentally add 32 + 25 = 57 without writing on a piece of paper. He enjoyed himself playing pick-up sticks and learning Mathematics through play.

At the same time, he learnt the value of integrity and honesty when the pick-up stick moves.

Instead of sitting in a classroom setting memorising the boring Mathematics timetable and double-digit addition, we use play and real life situations to teach Mathematics.

This is what homeschooling can do. We look forward to having him enjoy learning English, Math, Science, etc. through various activities and real life examples so that learning is both practical and fun, instead of studying for the sake of studying. #homeschoolingjourney

Monday 2 September 2019

Fathering with the Father

J didn’t enter the lift with us, despite that my wife called him a few times. We waited in the lift and the door automatically closed. After we pressed the button for the door to open, we realised that J already went up on his own by another lift.

This incident demanded for a proper discipline.

We sat J in the reflection corner after he had taken his shower. We asked, “J, why didn’t you enter the lift with us? Mama called you many times but you didn’t listen.”

J: Because I wasn’t focused.

Papa: Why were you not focused?

J: I don’t know.

Papa: Now speak in tongues for a moment. Close your eyes and ask Jesus to show you why you were not focused.

He prayed in tongues and asked.

J: It’s because I didn’t want to go into the lift.

Papa: Why didn’t you want to enter the lift? Ask Jesus to show you why you didn’t want to.

He prayed and said, “Because I wanted to test Papa and Mama. But both of you went up without me. I’m so upset.”

Papa: We didn’t go up without you. The door closed automatically but we had it opened quickly. We came out of the lift and you were gone. What if someone took you away from us?

Papa: Would Papa and Mama ever leave you?

J: No.

Papa: Would we ever go off without you?

J: No.

By now, his eyes were teary.

Papa: Do we love you?

J: Yes.

Papa: Do you trust us?

J: Yes.

He broke down in tears and said, “I’m sorry Papa.”

It is way more powerful to involve the Father in our fathering. It brings about the conviction of the Holy Spirit and the goodness of God that brings a child to repentance. #fathering101