Thursday 19 September 2019

Homeschooling Journey Part 3

Homeschooling Journey Part 3

The deadline for submitting 6 years of curriculum overview is approaching. My wife has been working on it despite that she’s feeling tired after a full day’s work. So proud of her!

Recently, we taught J multiplication timetable and double-digit addition through playing of pick-up sticks.

Instead of having to memorise multiplication timetable in primary school, we used various colours from the sticks for him to do multiplication while playing. He learnt multiplication for 2s, 3s and 5s.

Collating the points requires double-digit addition such as 32 + 25 —- according to my wife, this is a P2 Math syllabus. But through play, J learnt how to mentally add 32 + 25 = 57 without writing on a piece of paper. He enjoyed himself playing pick-up sticks and learning Mathematics through play.

At the same time, he learnt the value of integrity and honesty when the pick-up stick moves.

Instead of sitting in a classroom setting memorising the boring Mathematics timetable and double-digit addition, we use play and real life situations to teach Mathematics.

This is what homeschooling can do. We look forward to having him enjoy learning English, Math, Science, etc. through various activities and real life examples so that learning is both practical and fun, instead of studying for the sake of studying. #homeschoolingjourney

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