Wednesday 16 October 2019

Homeschooling Journey Part 4

Homeschooling Journey Part 4

Today is supposed to be J’s P1 Admin Day in one of the top schools. It boasts to have one of the best academic foundations in the country. While it is purely by the grace of God that we got a vacancy in Phase 2C without doing anything (except being kinda forced to apply for P1), we dropped the whole idea of following our traditional education system.

Wifey is about 80% done with the preparation of a 6-year homeschooling curriculum which is required to be submitted to the CE department for approval. We are thankful that the officer seems to be pleased with what she has shown him thus far.

One of the main strong reasons for homeschooling is to impart the culture and values we want to see in our son. Academic is important but it is never the priority in our eyes as his parents. I have personally seen many young people who are great in academic results but don’t know what basic respect is. The way they talk to their parents and elders require some slapping (no violence intended šŸ˜‚)

The value of respect has been greatly lost in the new generation. Teachers are no longer respected by the children because the children did not learn respect from home. 

With the stress of life and the high cost of living in our nation, we have many parents who give presents but are not actively present. The gift of Presence supersedes any gift or present. It is definitely not easy to live in SG in today’s context but there are still deliberate choices we can make. Our priority, therefore, is our responsibility. We decide by what we choose to honour and what we choose to sacrifice. 

When I look from eternity’s perspective, I understood why we are never told to build up treasures/riches on earth. Because we cannot bring these to the other world. 

The reality is this... what we do now has an impact on eternity. Therefore, we need to choose wisely.

There are wide road and narrow path. The latter is never easy because nobody likes to be uncomfortable. As for me and my household, we will align to the culture above and not the culture beneath.

J is coming to 7 years old in less than 3 months. I’m proud that he doesn’t know how to use an iPhone/iPad, except a little scrolling and a little typing because of being exposed by his pre-school teachers. Most people may think that this is not good, because he doesn’t know technology, which is a must in this modern society. But we have a very different perspective.

We rather that he builds on social intelligence and grows in communication. Foundations are vital. Technological skills can be trained later in life. The new generation today doesn’t know how to communicate actively. We must not blame it on the new gen or the society. We need to take responsibility for what we did not cultivate as parents.

Homeschooling may be going against the usual flow. But it is worth a different flow. #homeschoolingjourney101

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