Tuesday 5 January 2021

Happy 8th Birthday

8 years ago today, this champion emerged. He came out as the victor.

He is a great communicator who loves to express himself verbally and emotionally. He cannot contain the joy and excitement and every little thing that he experiences. He often shares his heart and what he thinks about daily. He also can’t stop talking.

He has a sensitive spirit like his Mama. His compassion and tender heart allow him to see who is struggling, isolated, emotionally affected and/or those who need help.

He has a generous heart like his Mama who always longs to give and bless others. This is why he has no qualms to share his toys, food and belongings with others.

He has a creative and analytical mind, which empowers him to be strong in handicrafts and quick in building stuff through reading of manuals and self-discovery. His mental capacity is revealed by his ability to excel in Maths and Scriptures memory.

He has extravagant favour from God which leads to favour from men. Circumstances will move miraculously for him, including the weather and the things he desired. People of his age love to play with him. Younger girls will stick close to him as they find him gentle in spirit and are well taken care of by him.

He has leadership in him. Friends of older age look up to him to take the lead as he’s pro-active and initiates various ideas and suggestions.

He’s bold and courageous, as he’s not afraid (except dogs, bees and some flying insects) to try new things, even when the height of rock climbing activity seems pretty challenging. He’s already taking Sichuan chilli at his age.

He’s cheeky and strong in negotiation, as his reasonings and support answers are valid most of the time. This drives us nuts at times and we have to lean on God to give him answers.

He is friendly and approachable. He will talk to anyone (including adults) and can hold a conversation with them easily.

He’s aware of Christ in him and around Him, for he relates some of life’s situations to Him and will take his authority to command circumstances to take place.

There is none like him because he is a gift from God to our family.

Papa & Mama love you, J ♥️♥️♥️

Monday 4 January 2021

Simple Celebration

Didn’t plan to celebrate J’s birthday this year, but as he developed friendship with our neighbours living on the higher floor, we invited the family over for a birthday lunch to have a simple celebration in advance.

The hubby isn’t a believer, but was afraid of being converted when I requested to minister to him. Apparently, he had bad experiences in church where people tried to get him to receive Jesus. At first, he politely rejected prayer.

But we struck simple conversations (without being churchy and religious). At the end, he allowed me to minister to him and invited us to go over to his place on the next round.

Jesus said, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink.” - Jn 7:37

The church in general is used to inviting people to services and cellgroups, and they “preach” to non-believers, hoping that they can be converted. This approach has bruised so many seeds unnecessarily.

Maybe it’s time to stop inviting people to church but invite them to your house. You are the Body of Christ and the church (ekklesia). You are God’s building without walls. You are the sent ones.

We don’t have to force Jesus down someone’s throat. Revealing their thirst will draw them to Jesus Himself.

If you don’t like to be invited to a Chinese temple, then what makes you think that people like to be invited to a church building?

If we can be less religious, I reckon that we can reach more people, rather than bruising them. #homechurching101