Monday 4 January 2021

Simple Celebration

Didn’t plan to celebrate J’s birthday this year, but as he developed friendship with our neighbours living on the higher floor, we invited the family over for a birthday lunch to have a simple celebration in advance.

The hubby isn’t a believer, but was afraid of being converted when I requested to minister to him. Apparently, he had bad experiences in church where people tried to get him to receive Jesus. At first, he politely rejected prayer.

But we struck simple conversations (without being churchy and religious). At the end, he allowed me to minister to him and invited us to go over to his place on the next round.

Jesus said, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink.” - Jn 7:37

The church in general is used to inviting people to services and cellgroups, and they “preach” to non-believers, hoping that they can be converted. This approach has bruised so many seeds unnecessarily.

Maybe it’s time to stop inviting people to church but invite them to your house. You are the Body of Christ and the church (ekklesia). You are God’s building without walls. You are the sent ones.

We don’t have to force Jesus down someone’s throat. Revealing their thirst will draw them to Jesus Himself.

If you don’t like to be invited to a Chinese temple, then what makes you think that people like to be invited to a church building?

If we can be less religious, I reckon that we can reach more people, rather than bruising them. #homechurching101

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