Tuesday 9 March 2021

Fathering & Sonship

Fathering & Sonship

I especially love this shot taken by my wifey.

J isn't walking behind me following my footsteps. He's walking with me step by step as he looks up at me.

We are not walking behind the Father. We are supposed to walk WITH the Father.

“Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner." - John 5:19

The Father models for us as we look up to Him. Because He is perfect, we learn perfection (but not perfectionism) by beholding Him.

The one who can impact my son the most is me. Not the teacher; not the church; not an idol; not a cartoon character, etc. It's always the child's parents. 

Therefore, my first responsibility is not fathering. My first responsibility is to be a son before the Father. Until I behold Him and behave like Him, I will not be able to father my son rightly.

Until I learn to walk in steps with Him, I will not be able to lead my son to walk in steps with me.

That must be our pursuit as fathers. How well we grow in sonship is how well we grow in fathering.

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