Monday 15 November 2021

Honesty & Repentance

J asked me before his Bible writing time.

J: Papa, why do I have to write this everyday?

Papa: You may not understand what you are writing, and you may not think that it’s important. But when you grow up, you will be thankful, because the Holy Spirit in you remembers. You will be ready to face challenges when He brings to your remembrance all that you have read and written.

He’s supposed to copy out 7 verses each day from the Bible systematically.

After writing a few verses, he came to me and said, “Papa, can I tell you something? But please do not scold me.”

Papa: What is it?

J: I have been writing 4-5 verses instead of 7 verses. I didn’t do the full thing for many times.

Papa: So why do you tell me now?

J: Because you told me the reason for writing them.

I gave him a hug, and said, “Thank you for being honest. This is the Holy Spirit convicting your heart. He shows you what is right.”

Tears came down from his eyes.

Repentance and honesty should be celebrated, not shamed.

#fathering101 #homeschooling #holyspiritistheteacher

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