Tuesday 21 December 2021

39th Birthday

Thanks for all the birthday wishes!

I realise that I have so much more to learn in this life. I'm picking up new things from time to time, including going to pick up in-line skating at this age. Well, that's to set an example for my son that whatever I ask him to do, I should do it; and that life-long learning is a MUST.

At this point of my life, I also remember Joshua 1:9 vividly and strongly for me and my household. This was given by God when my ex-girlfriend (who is now my wife) and I came together, for we faced resistance and pressure from many sides. From that juncture, we had been stepping into uncharted waters and the road less traveled. God has been faithful to us in every season, for He is the reason for EVERY season (not just Christmas).

We are a family that might seem aloof, because as we grow older (and hopefully wiser), we find it less important to connect superficially. You just need a few to go after the Kingdom. Less is more. We hardly or almost never sought help from anyone (not even from our own extended family or parents/siblings). This is not because of pride, but we find that each one already has their own responsibility and load to take). God has supplied everything we need whenever we need (including strength).

At the same time, this allows us to step out quickly (without a lot of entanglements) whenever God calls us to.

We are often not with the mainstream, and not of the mainstream, which makes Joshua 1:9 even more powerful for our household. God and us are the majority, since He promises to be with us wherever we go, and have proven to be true in our history with Him.

My quest has not changed. After 8 years, I am more zealous about seeing people healed and set free today than when I first started. Sickness and disease must be crushed. There is no stopping until I see the results Jesus had on earth. I need to be so laser-focused that everything else around me fades in comparison. I have no capacity to minister and help in many other areas, because I must give my full attention and energy to the assignment that God has given me. To say "Yes" to one God-thing, I have to say "No" to other good things.

So if I say "No" to you, it's not because you are not important. It's because I am not God and I don't have the capacity. Yes, you will be disappointed. And I might feel bad. But I don't allow my feelings to move me. I let my assignment move me. God is your Father, so He can and will provide help for you in whatever means. Your eyes should not be on me. I'm not your Saviour. Jesus is.

At 39, I have become less tolerant towards nonsense, lies and sugar-coating words. You only dominate what you don't tolerate. I am for truth. I don't listen to someone just because of their profession. If what you say does not line up with the Word of truth, I will disregard it. So is the present world news that we are listening to. Much of them are nonsense. Period. 

If you know me, you will know my intent and my heart. If you don’t, you can get offended and you have to deal with it because I think that this life is too temporal to be offended by or with anyone. My life is free from offense, so that I can continue to offend the devil.

By the grace of God, the more we get into the Word of truth, the more we can easily expose lies in the world. It's not that difficult. We just need to have the single-minded pursuit of truth.

At 39, I don't know everything and I still have many things to learn (including marriage and fathering). But I know one thing that is more and more important: The WORD OF GOD. You can receive many prophecies; you can be passionate in spending time in songs of worship; you can be zealous in intercessory prayers, you can listen to many sermons and attend many seminars, etc. But the Word of God (aka the Bible) is the only foundation that protects you from deception. It is the only solid ground you can stand on in every circumstance. You cannot be shaken if the Word has taken root in your heart and mind. We need to give ourselves to it.

So on my birthday, I hereby wish you all (including myself) more of the Word-Life. And for my friends who are not believers, I wish you all God's grace and love.

P.S: Creative cake toppers done by my son. It’s the first in my life 🤣❤️

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