Wednesday 30 March 2022

F&S Day - Mask Off

F&S Day

A homeschooling kid has time to notice the little creature while walking on the pavement.

There was a joyful consensus when two Caucasians, on separate occasions, looked at us (and we at them), wearing a smile on each other’s face as we could finally see the complete being of a person.

This is what we want J to have —— appreciate LIFE, not KPI or achievements (including ministry achievements/performance), because all these will fade.

Phil 3:8-9 - Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in Him.

Sunday 6 March 2022

First Karate Carnival Competition

Joining first karate carnival competition…

Proud of him being the youngest in terms of experience!

The Love for Reading

For 2 years, Mummy has been trying hard to get J to cultivate the habit of reading, and most importantly, to love reading.

It had been a struggle on and off, because he’s born to be a very creative and active boy, and it’s challenging to get him to sit still. Some kids are wired to be readers, while some require faithful training.

Kudos to my wife’s effort! Proud of her!

Now he is enjoying reading and is embarking on Enid Blyton series (pure words with no pictures wow!). Seeing him reading on his own in the mornings and nights brings such delight to my heart.

The homeschooling journey pays off. It’s not easy but it’s rewarding. Parenting has no shortcut. Paying $$ for programs does not develop intrinsic values.

The growth we want to see in him is inside out, not outside in.


Tuesday 1 March 2022

Son’s 7-Day Fast

My son just completed a 7-day fast from every sweet thing including drinks.

The first two days were tough for him. He kept trying to ask for alternatives. But there is no grey area allowed for him.

If we don’t train him to learn patient endurance since young, it would be a problem in future.

Just as God rewards us when we have patient endurance, we rewarded him yesterday after he completed his fast. We gave him $10 to buy any snack from the supermarket. But it must be kept within the budget. He was excited. At the same time, he had to do his Math. There were several times he had to put back what he took after calculating the amount he was left with. So he had to plan and thought through how to make the best use of that $10. Discipline and self-control are an area lacking in the new generation, because parents generally focus on comfort and lifestyle more than intrinsic values.

We reckon that we need to train our children young, so that they would not succumb to convenience when faced with tribulations. Christianity did not promise comfort. In fact, the Comforter is here because He knows that you will be stretched in discomfort.

Patient endurance develops the joy of contentment. The joy on his face is my reward.

P.S: Soon he will need to fast from food, because he should experience hunger. Please pray that my wife doesn’t kill me. Thanks.

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