Sunday 6 March 2022

The Love for Reading

For 2 years, Mummy has been trying hard to get J to cultivate the habit of reading, and most importantly, to love reading.

It had been a struggle on and off, because he’s born to be a very creative and active boy, and it’s challenging to get him to sit still. Some kids are wired to be readers, while some require faithful training.

Kudos to my wife’s effort! Proud of her!

Now he is enjoying reading and is embarking on Enid Blyton series (pure words with no pictures wow!). Seeing him reading on his own in the mornings and nights brings such delight to my heart.

The homeschooling journey pays off. It’s not easy but it’s rewarding. Parenting has no shortcut. Paying $$ for programs does not develop intrinsic values.

The growth we want to see in him is inside out, not outside in.


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