Wednesday 19 October 2022

Stand Corrected

I have been educating my son since young that he is a good boy, not because of his behaviours and actions. He is good because Jesus made him to be good.

Because he's a good boy, he can choose to have good behaviours and actions.

Today I stand corrected by him.

I saw a teenage boy clearing his bowl and tray at the foodcourt. So I said to my son, "Look. This is a responsible boy."

My son replied, "No. He isn't a responsible boy because he cleared his tray and bowl. He is a responsible boy, therefore he cleared his tray and bowl."

Brilliant! He is absolutely correct!

Monday 10 October 2022

Property Testimony

Property Testimony

Met up with a couple friend cum clients as they wanted to explore options for their property portfolio.

After advising them on how to proceed, our conversations were mostly spent talking about God.

When they found out that my whole family is UV, they were pretty curious how we "lived" our lives despite having financial commitment as a homeschooling family with one sole breadwinner (who does not draw a monthly salary).

Thought this would be an encouraging testimony to those who are looking to the Father as the Provider.

No V no job policy made alot of people chose the V. Because some think that there is no other way for God to provide.

It came to a point where I couldn't enter the showflats; I couldn't conduct viewings; I couldn't return to the office. Yet none of these could cause me to compromise on what I truly believe in.

Crisis does not change you. It reveals what is inside of you. If Christ is in you, crisis squeezes Christ out of you. If God is our Provider, then we need to stop trying hard to orchestrate results and stop making choices that make ourselves bigger than Him as the Provider.

During that challenging period, I had property owner who suddenly contacted me out of nowhere, saying, "Wilson, I know that you are UV (cos I posted alot on exposing the hidden). Hence, I only want you to sell my property. Because I only trust you alone."

Yes. It's a privilege to be trusted by people. But the main thing to me is the powerful testimony of God's faithful providence as I put my trust in Him. He honours your faith in Him.

We often think that there is no other option when faced with tremendous pressure. But how much do we really trust Him?

May we as believers walk in a different spirit from the world.

You Become What You Pursue

You Become What You Pursue

We always become what we pursue. The pursuit of success will make you become more and more like the world. It is impossible to go after worldly success and remain kingdom-minded.

Yes on our lips, it is possible. But in our heart, it is impossible. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. What you pursue reveals your treasure and what your heart is truly seeking.

This is why the Bible tells us to 'Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness..." (Matt 6:33).

The Kingdom of God is not vague or mysterious. It is not so broad that we can simply put our own interpretations into it. The Word defines it clearly in Romans 14:17 that the Kingdom of God is Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit.

The Gospel is the Righteousness of God revealed (Rom 1:17). And the Righteousness of God is Christ (1 Cor 1:30).

Peace and Joy are the results of having Right Standing with God. It is impossible to go after Christ, the Righteousness of God, and live without Peace and Joy in the Kingdom.

The opposite is also true. If we lose a sense of peace and joy within us, it reveals that the pursuit of our lives is not the Kingdom of God, but worldly success.

Your pursuit is what you become. If your pursuit is success in the world, you become like the world, no matter how much religion you put on your lips.

If your pursuit is the Kingdom of God, you become like Jesus. For He is Righteousness, Peace and Joy.

There is no option to have both the Kingdom and the world (mammon). He is a jealous God. Not jealous against you, but jealous for you. For He knows who you would become by your very pursuit.

Friday 7 October 2022

Waking Up To Bible Reading

Wah. The first thing he woke up to do today is to read the book of Judges on his own, before taking his brekkie.

When the inspiration comes, let him be and don't let him have his breakfast 😜

Expectations Of You

Expectations Of You

Both God and people have expectations of you.

People's expectations of you are often selfish in nature. They want you to be in a certain way because of lack in their lives. So they put their hope on you, in hope that you would meet their needs (aka expectations of you).

God, on the other hand, is different. His expectations of you are rooted and grounded in agape love, because He has great opinions of you. 

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐮𝐬 in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. - Eph 1:3

The word 'blessed' comes from the word 'eulogy' (in Greek). It means 'to speak well of'. God has good eulogy for you and me. 

Because of His good expectations of us (in Christ), He always spoke well of us. His eulogy for you and me contains every good, spiritual blessing.

How do you handle people's expectations of you? Ignore the expectations, because you cannot become what they want you to be. They need to grow up in Him, not you.

How do you handle God's expectations of you? Acknowledge the expectations, because God sees the possibility in you in Christ. And we need to grow into it.

Saturday 1 October 2022

A Breach Of Faith

A Breach Of Faith

If anyone sins and commits a breach of faith against the Lord... - Lev 6:2

The Old Testament reveals that sinning against the Lord is a breach of faith. It started from Adam. When he ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, he sinned. He committed a breach of faith.

For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin. - Rom 14:23

I like to read a verse from front to the back and back to the front, and word by word, separating them and piecing them back together.

The opposite is also true. Sin is what does not come from faith. In other words, when we sin, we act contrary to faith. We commit a breach of faith. We step out of the 'faith-relationship' with God.

In the Old Covenant, sin could be unintentional and intentional (read Leviticus). In the New Covenant, every sin is intentional (and deliberate), because we have received the power not to sin (Gal 5:1). There is no unintentional sin. Every bit of it is by our deliberate choice.

Since every sin is a breach of faith against God, if we sin, we are saying, "God, I don't trust You in this area." Because we are not walking in faith (Rom 14:23).

In the real estate industry, each time when we feel that we need to 'make things happen', or exaggerate stuff, or exaggerate marketing gimmicks, or start telling white lies... we are saying, "Father, I don't trust You to provide for me. I will provide for myself." It is an intentional sin.

This is just one example. We are all not perfect yet in every area. But if we sin, instead of just asking God to forgive over and over again (which He did), we need to see from His perspective and ask, "Father, how can I trust You more in this area? Would You show me a greater revelation of who You are in this area so that I can walk free from sin."

Sin is just the fruit issue. Faith is the root issue. Unless we focus on the root, the fruit won't change.