Monday 10 October 2022

Property Testimony

Property Testimony

Met up with a couple friend cum clients as they wanted to explore options for their property portfolio.

After advising them on how to proceed, our conversations were mostly spent talking about God.

When they found out that my whole family is UV, they were pretty curious how we "lived" our lives despite having financial commitment as a homeschooling family with one sole breadwinner (who does not draw a monthly salary).

Thought this would be an encouraging testimony to those who are looking to the Father as the Provider.

No V no job policy made alot of people chose the V. Because some think that there is no other way for God to provide.

It came to a point where I couldn't enter the showflats; I couldn't conduct viewings; I couldn't return to the office. Yet none of these could cause me to compromise on what I truly believe in.

Crisis does not change you. It reveals what is inside of you. If Christ is in you, crisis squeezes Christ out of you. If God is our Provider, then we need to stop trying hard to orchestrate results and stop making choices that make ourselves bigger than Him as the Provider.

During that challenging period, I had property owner who suddenly contacted me out of nowhere, saying, "Wilson, I know that you are UV (cos I posted alot on exposing the hidden). Hence, I only want you to sell my property. Because I only trust you alone."

Yes. It's a privilege to be trusted by people. But the main thing to me is the powerful testimony of God's faithful providence as I put my trust in Him. He honours your faith in Him.

We often think that there is no other option when faced with tremendous pressure. But how much do we really trust Him?

May we as believers walk in a different spirit from the world.

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