Tuesday 20 December 2022

Difference Between Praying and Hinting

Difference Between Praying and Hinting

Few days back, my son shared that he wanted something. I said, "It is not good (nor wise) for you to have it. So we won't be buying it for you.'

I added, "If you really want it, you ask Jesus on your own."

He proceeded to do it.

Earlier today, he said to me, "I feel that what I asked Jesus is going to come soon."

So I took this opportunity to teach him a principle, saying, "When you ask God to bless you with something, you do not tell anyone else. Otherwise, you are hinting others to get it for you and it is not from God."

I continued, "Neither do you tell anyone that you are praying to God for something, because that's not prayer. That's hinting. And it's not from God even if somebody blesses you with it."

"If you pray, you need to trust Him, and there is no need to tell others."

He nodded and asked, "But can I tell you and Mum?"

"Yes of course!"

There is enough of 'hinting prayers' in the Christian communities and even on the social media by Christians. For goodness' sake, this cow must be killed.

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