Saturday 27 January 2024

Fallen From Grace

Fallen From Grace

"You have fallen from grace."

This is a phrase we hear over and over again when a spiritual, public figure's sin is exposed.

But this is not Bible.

To fall from grace is to not about sinning and missing the mark. To fall from grace is to go after works and live by the Law.

You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace. - Gal 5:4

This is the only passage in the Bible that talks about falling from grace. You can't fall from grace regardless of how you sin. Because when you were a sinner, His grace reached out to you. 

The only way to fall from grace is to depend on your works, achievements and ministry performance. Because you turn Christ into a religion.

You and I can never fall from grace if we continue to cling onto Christ as our salvation. The public figures in ministries might have sinned (just as you have sinned), but they can never fall from grace if they keep holding onto Christ.

The sin that the public figures committed is no different from the sin that we committed. Theirs are exposed publicly. Ours are kept privately. If we get the chance to be exalted to their position, ours will be exposed publicly.

The fact that we are surprised by the sins of those prominent, public figures only reveal one thing ----- we exalted them beyond Christ. We worshiped them unknowingly. Our eyes failed to focus on the God of Man. Instead, we focus on the Men of God.

If we truly understand identity, everyone is on the same level playing field, regardless of whether you are a pastor, prophet, evangelist, apostle or whatever public figure. There is no exaltation and elevation needed except Christ and Christ alone. Period.

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