Monday 17 June 2024

Father's Day

Father's Day 

Last night, J felt great discomfort in his tummy, had a headache and was trembling. We suspected that it was the dessert that he ate after dinner.

I was listening to a message in the living room when he came out of the bedroom, asking me to pray for him as he felt like vomiting. I did what I normally do. Then he laid on my lap. 

As usual, mummy would always be worried. So I told her to return to the bedroom as he would be fine. 

He listened to what I was listening and soon fell asleep on my lap.

This morning, he woke up completely well. Wifey said to him, "J, this is God's healing." He replied, "Yes."

It takes great comfort when your own son knows where to find comfort when he is unwell. Coming to me and resting in my presence is his source of healing and health.

Eventually, he has to find comfort and rest in God's presence as his source of healing and health. Because God has no grandchildren. When we run to Him to find comfort and rest, the Father is extremely delighted.

You and I represent the Father in heaven. The greatest connection between our child and the invisible Father is us. While we are not perfect, it is not an excuse to stay imperfect.

On Father's Day, I was reminded that the best gift is my son, and the greatest assignment given by God is to be a father.

Sometimes we are more excited with the 'church ministry' than fathering our own child. Because the former is publicly seen and recognised while the latter is unseen & unrecognised.

If this is true for you, you are no different from the first Adam (effects of the Fall) and is still lost in identity. Jesus was beaten and marred beyond human recognition so that you and I can have the Father's everlasting recognition.

If our recognition truly comes from the Father, we will not try to perform and achieve more publicly than fathering our child privately. The world continues without you, but your child needs you as the father.

P.S: If every father fathers the child passionately, we honestly don't need any more church ministry.

Thursday 6 June 2024

Identified With Christ, Not Sin

Identified With Christ, Not Sin

The Old Covenant reminds you of your sins, because your conscience is evil (Heb 10:2-3). You live each day conscious of your sins. It keeps you bringing daily sacrifices to God, where you realise that you are sinful and helpless.

The Old Covenant points you to the need of a Saviour, Jesus Christ.

The New Covenant reminds you of your righteousness, because your conscience is perfected (Heb 10:22). You live each day conscious of the Son. It keeps you bringing daily thanksgiving to God, where you realise that you are a beloved son and victorious.

The New Covenant points you to who you are in Christ and who He is in you.

But as it is, He has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. - Heb 9:26

The word 'put away' in Greek means 'annulment', 'rendered no longer in effect'.

Christ offered Himself once and for all to annul sin and render sin no longer in effect. This is why it is impossible for God to punish you for sins. This is called Double Jeopardy.

Your sickness is not a punishment from God.
Your loss of loved ones is not a punishment from God.
Your trauma is not a punishment from God.
Your pain, rejection and abandonment is not a a punishment from God.
Your town facing natural disaster is not a punishment from God.

Not everything in your life happens for a reason or a good purpose. Stop believing in these religious lies. There is another world (called the kingdom of darkness) at work. It's bent at destroying you. And it is not God.

Because sin has been dealt with (Heb 9:27-28), it is no longer in you. You can't make any further sacrifice/offering for your sins, because it would then be a reminder that your conscience had not been purified by the works of Christ on the Cross.

Instead, if you stumble, remind yourself of who you are in Christ. Thank God for a good and clear conscience that is completely free from guilt, so that you can walk as close to Him as possible. 

The most secured son walks the closest to the Father.

Sunday 2 June 2024

Your Conscience Is Perfected

Your Conscience Is Perfected

According to this arrangement, gifts and sacrifices are offered that cannot perfect the conscience of the worshiper... - Heb 9:9

The Old Covenant could not perfect our conscience. Hence, the New Covenant had to be introduced by God (Heb 8).

In the Greek, the word 'conscience' used in Heb 9:9 refers "to perfect one that his own conscience is satisfied, i.e. that he can regard himself as free from guilt."

In other words, if your conscience is perfected, you are free from guilt, because you no longer need to have any consciousness of evil aka sin.

Since Christ has perfected our conscience (Heb 10:22), we can live everyday free from guilt because we are free from the consciousness of sin.

People say that you need to be conscious of your sins so that you can confess your sins and ask God for forgiveness.

You are not forgiven because you cried, felt sorry, confessed your sins, or repented, or even uttered a sinner's prayer. You are forgiven because Christ's blood was shed on the Cross. (Heb 9:22)

Confession is to acknowledge and agree with what God said. And what God said about you is what He did through Christ.

Repentance is to turn away from the consciousness of you and step into the consciousness of Christ. It's to turn away from the consciousness of sin and step into the consciousness of Son.

This is why it's called changing your mind. You remove yours and change to the mind of Christ.

When we believe that Christ has perfected our conscience and we can live free from guilt everyday, we are walking in repentance.

This is a precious gift in the New Covenant. Don't go back to the obsoleted covenant.