Monday 17 June 2024

Father's Day

Father's Day 

Last night, J felt great discomfort in his tummy, had a headache and was trembling. We suspected that it was the dessert that he ate after dinner.

I was listening to a message in the living room when he came out of the bedroom, asking me to pray for him as he felt like vomiting. I did what I normally do. Then he laid on my lap. 

As usual, mummy would always be worried. So I told her to return to the bedroom as he would be fine. 

He listened to what I was listening and soon fell asleep on my lap.

This morning, he woke up completely well. Wifey said to him, "J, this is God's healing." He replied, "Yes."

It takes great comfort when your own son knows where to find comfort when he is unwell. Coming to me and resting in my presence is his source of healing and health.

Eventually, he has to find comfort and rest in God's presence as his source of healing and health. Because God has no grandchildren. When we run to Him to find comfort and rest, the Father is extremely delighted.

You and I represent the Father in heaven. The greatest connection between our child and the invisible Father is us. While we are not perfect, it is not an excuse to stay imperfect.

On Father's Day, I was reminded that the best gift is my son, and the greatest assignment given by God is to be a father.

Sometimes we are more excited with the 'church ministry' than fathering our own child. Because the former is publicly seen and recognised while the latter is unseen & unrecognised.

If this is true for you, you are no different from the first Adam (effects of the Fall) and is still lost in identity. Jesus was beaten and marred beyond human recognition so that you and I can have the Father's everlasting recognition.

If our recognition truly comes from the Father, we will not try to perform and achieve more publicly than fathering our child privately. The world continues without you, but your child needs you as the father.

P.S: If every father fathers the child passionately, we honestly don't need any more church ministry.

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