Thursday 4 September 2014

He Woos Us

This is what happens whenever I am done with bathing Jeshua. I will come out of the shower cubicle, get his towel and stretch out my left hand towards him, requesting that he comes out of the shower cubicle while giving him support as the tiles are slippery.

Almost all of the time, he will act as if he didn't hear and he will continue to stay in the cubicle. I have to walk out of the shower room, say "bye bye" (If I simply say it without going out of the shower room, it won't work!) and return. Then I will stretch out my left hand towards him again before he holds my hand and walks out of the shower cubicle happily.

I don't understand why he responds in this manner. Until now, I still don't. I have yet to ask the Holy Spirit about it though.

But there is one thing I know - I will keep doing this as long as it works. I will keep "wooing" him in a way that he wants to be wooed.

It reminds me of how God the Father "woos" us. He will go an extra mile to do so, as long as we respond to Him. He doesn't just leave us alone (as what religious people will say). He gently and continually woos us until we respond to Him. What a loving Father we have!

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