Tuesday 17 February 2015

My Highest Call

When Jeshua was born, God spoke to me, "Your highest call is to be a father." My highest call is not to be a minister. Nope. It is to be a father. God is first and foremost a Father to me. We call Him "Abba Father." There is nothing that can be more important than being a father.

For the past two years, I have tried my best to be a father to Jeshua. But ministry is demanding; especially church ministry. I couldn't spend as much time with Jeshua as I would love to. Compared to a father holding a normal job, I spend lesser time with him.

Over the past two years, there were moments when I really felt like just spending time with him. Sometimes, there were frustrations when I had work to do when I should be spending time with him, during my off day or weekends.

This morning, I didn't let him play (or rather, play with him) with his toys. I was quick to send him to his nanny's place so that I could come home to do some work. As I was spending time with God, He spoke to me again - "Your highest call is to be a father. Are you willing to lay down your desires to build your son's foundation?"

The first five years create foundation for a child. If I as a father don't build his foundation, who will do it? What values do I want him to learn?

I couldn't help but broke down in tears.

I understood...

It's not easy. But I know what I should be doing for this season. Thank You for reminding me, Jesus.

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