Sunday 25 January 2015


We brought Jeshua to Waterway to play with sand. As I was playing with him, I noticed a few red ants crawling near him.

I kept trying to kill the ants so that they would not come near him. While I was doing that, Jeshua was happily playing without realising what his Papa was doing. He didn't even notice the 'danger' that was approaching him. He remained at the same location and thus was kept safe by me. If he were to move towards the ants, he would be bitten by them.

God the Father is always watching over us even though we sometimes don't recognise that. When we don't face any trouble, it's because He is protecting us. The safest place for us is to dwell and rest in the most High. It is by resting (trusting) that God can protect us fully. If we choose to step out of that rest, we might end up with unnecessary troubles.

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