Friday 27 March 2015

Paying Last Respect To Mr Lee Kuan Yew

We queued for 4 hours to pay our last respect to Mr Lee Kuan Yew at the Parliament House. We went under priority queue as Jeshua was under 6 years old. I was amazed that Jeshua was so cooperative throughout the wait. My wife and I kept praising him.

What caught us with surprise is that the moment when we were near his coffin at the main hall, Jeshua suddenly started crying with no reason.

The whole hall was totally quiet (before he cried) as everybody was paying their last respect to Mr Lee. Panicked, I tried to calm him down but to no avail. It was only after we went past the late Mr Lee did he stop crying and started smiling.

It took a while before it dawned on me that Jeshua has always been sensitive to the spirit realm. He is able to discern those who are broken-hearted, those who have gone through depression and/or deep emotional issues.

Before he was a year old, there were three instances with three different people which caught our attention on this gift that God has graciously blessed him with. 

He would be drawn to these people even though he doesn't know and hasn't seen them before.

He must have sensed something when we entered the main hall where Mr Lee's body was lying.

Help me, Lord, to help him steward this precious gift.

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