Saturday 21 March 2015

Worries & Fears Are Learnt

Jeshua is so joyful everyday. God has told us to call out his identity as a joy releaser. Everywhere he goes, he will release joy into the atmosphere. Joy is the atmosphere of heaven.

Today, as I saw him smiling joyfully, I realised that many negative things/emotions in life are learnt. We are not born with worries and fears. A toddler like Jeshua has no worries and fears. He is only filled with joy.

That is what God the Father has created us to be. We are not meant to be overwhelmed by worries and fears. We are meant to overwhelm them with joy and courage!

Thus, it is important for us to return to our real identity - one created and born by the Spirit. We should unlearn what we have picked up from the worldly experiences.

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