Monday 19 October 2015

Separation Anxiety?

There are two schools of thoughts:

1) Leave your toddler to cry until he gets used to it. Then he will learn to be independent and grow up fast. Good for parents too - because it saves the time, energy and trouble.

2) Don't leave your toddler alone to cry. Shower him with love so that his security is strong. Talk to him until he is ready to let you leave him. Bad for parents - because it will take much time, energy and patience before the toddler gets comfortable to be alone.

My wife and I choose the latter option. Our Heavenly Father said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." Security and love is the priority in the life of a toddler. We don't have to make him grow up according to our expectations. We have to stop comparing with what other toddlers are doing. Just because they can do more does not mean they are more secured on the inside. Our role is to impart love, security and confidence in our son.

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