Wednesday 21 October 2015

The Father's Protection VS Providence

In the world's perspective, providence comes first. We work hard to provide for our family so that they can have a comfortable and good lifestyle (Not necessary a good life. Because many rich families are living broken and wounded lives.)

In the kingdom's perspective, protection comes first. We work hard to protect our family so that we build a loving family.

God's first command for Mankind is not, "Provide for your family." Instead, He said, "Tend the Garden." Tending the Garden includes stewardship of whatever Adam had been given and the first thing Adam was given is family (Eve). As he took care of the Garden, God continually provided for him and his family. But when sin came in because he failed to protect his family, he was cursed and ended up toiling all his life to provide for his family. The equation went upside down. Thank God that Jesus had come to redeem us from that curse.

Yet the world continues to get it upside down, which is the subtle lie of the enemy. "Work harder to earn more money so that you can provide a good life to your family." (That is obviously going back under the curse.) Well, many rich families do not have a happy home. Their children are wounded. They have a good lifestyle but not a good life. Because their parents are spending a lot of time providing instead of protecting.

True wealth is not about having more and more money to provide for the family. True wealth is having more and more time to protect the family.

In the world, success is measured by how rich your family is. But in the kingdom, success is measured by how STRONG your family is.

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