Saturday 8 July 2017



J wanted to eat his favourite snack just before dinner. After telling him a few times that he needed to have his dinner first, he was upset. He said to me, "Papa, I am angry."

I replied, "Sure. You can be angry."

We have taught him to express his emotions, rather than suppressing them. We have taught him to go to the reflection corner in his room to express his emotions to Jesus and think through. We also taught him to speak in tongues if he couldn't settle with his emotions.

This time, after saying that he was angry, he added, "I'm going to the reflection corner."

I thought it was hilarious for a 4-year old to say that, so I hid behind the wall to eavesdrop. This is what he said to himself and did...

J: I'm so angry! I'm angry that I cannot eat snack.
J: (paused)
J: she ba ka ba she ba ka...

He started speaking in tongues. And it went louder and louder for a short while before everything ceased.

Then he came out of his room and looked at me, saying, "Papa, I'm done."

Me: Are you now ready to eat your dinner?
J: Yes.
Me: Can you finish your dinner before we talk about snack?
J: Yes.

We deal with his tantrum by letting him rant. He knows that when he is done, he has to come back and do what is required. Tantrum won't change the parents' decision, just as tantrum won't bend the hand of God. #fathering101

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