Friday 28 July 2017

Father and Son day at Eco Farm with Homeschooling Co-op Groups

Father and Son day at Eco Farm with Homeschooling Co-op groups.

I'm surprised that J actually handled earthworms, millipede, frog, etc.

It's a sad reality that the lease is going to be up in 2 years' time and our G is taking over for army camp. I feel sad for the farmer and owner who gave 20 years of his life devoting to this farm, advocating organic growth instead of genetic seeds that are common in our present world. He can't continue his passion because the land belongs to our G and he doesn't have so much money to re-locate. 

Most of the vegetables we eat are genetically grown - no wonder so many people have health issues. Even insects don't eat genetically grown plants.

In future, all our local farms will extinct. Our kids can only learn from textbook and videos, but they won't get to see the real deal unless they travel overseas :( 

What would SG be like without farms? #fathering101

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