Thursday 24 August 2017

Marriage Is An Unconditional Covenant Part 1

This is off-topic from Fathering but it represents the Father God's heart on marriage.

Marriage Is An Unconditional Covenant Part 1

There has been many teachings on marriage, divorce and re-marriage all over the world. Recently, I stumbled upon a teaching by a man who has a significant sphere of influence internationally.

He taught a convincing message about divorce and how it is biblically legal in the eyes of God. For a moment, I was gripped by the message. Because of strong Scripture references, as well as strong back-up from a Jewish Christian Rabbi (who also taught the Scriptures with clear Hebrew and Greek) who fully understood the Jewish culture, I was pretty affected. I knew that I could not simply say that divorce is not accepted by God. I could not simply say that "your teachings are wrong". For you to say that divorce is not accepted by God, you cannot just use "God hates divorce" from Malachi 2. Because many argued that the Hebrew word there is "put away" - a cultural Jewish practice that was and still is predominant now. Apparently, you can put away your wife and not grant her a divorce. She can't re-marry, but you can. It is believed that Jesus was addressing the issue of "putting away" in Matthew 19, Mark 10 and Luke 16.

Hence, I needed to go back to the Scriptures and study clearly before I could reason appropriately. I spent much time dwelling on it and meditating on it. Even when I lie on my bed to sleep, my whole mind was on it.

It is a topic that is too important to be ignorant. A single, wrong interpretation can destroy many marriages and lives in the church. And while I'm just an ordinary father, I strongly urge leaders to study and pray through this topic seriously. Because lives are in their hands. They are accountable to God for the flocks.

Our belief, without clear Scriptural understanding, is built on the shaky sand. Unless we can clearly explain and reason from Scriptures, we need to go back and study over and over and over again.

Because of the seriousness of this topic, I suggest that anyone doesn't simply take what I am going to share, but go back to the Word for yourself.

At the same time, I welcome healthy discussions (hostile comments will be removed) so that it can be sharpened deeper. And I am open to be corrected.

Marrriage is an unconditional covenant. It is NOT a certificate or contract where you can legally break.

Matthew 19:5-6 - For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”

Malachi 2:14 - Yet she is your companion and your wife by COVENANT. (emphasis added)

For those who are interested to hear the new understanding on marriage, divorce and re-marriage, check out this man's teaching here:

Disclaimer: I honour this man. By putting out his video teaching, I am by no means judging or criticising him. I love him and I have reasoned with him a little about this topic, though I didn't get the explanations I needed. By putting this video, it gives everyone a fair place to listen to the context and go back to the Word yourself.

For those who are interested to know the Jewish culture and how the Jewish Christian Rabbi explained the Scriptures using Hebrew and Greek, check out his teaching here:

So many felt liberated and set free by this teaching. But does liberation mean it is truth?

I will explain more in Part 2. #marriage #covenant

P.S: For those who went through a divorce, the love and the grace of God super abounds. He loves you just the same as He loves anyone. He looks at you and says, "You are My precious, beloved, cherished child. You are My lovely bride." There is NO condemnation.

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